Tractors, Trains, Headers & Hay

Tractors, Trains, Headers & Hay
Tractors, Trains, Headers & Hay is a brief account of the evolution of machinery in the Australian wheat belt. It is educational, entertaining and the first of its kind.
Over six chapters and a running time of approximately 100 minutes, Tractors, Trains, Headers & Hay recounts stories including: tractors from the post-war period; the experiences of men who worked the pioneer wheat rail line; the evolution of tillage from the hoe to broadacre machinery; the lost art of sheaf hay making; and the incredible story of how one lazy man took the drudgery out of harvest with the development of the first modern header.
The DVD chapters are:
Chapter 1 Talking tractors with Don and Bryan
Chapter 2 The steel highway
Chapter 3 Heading in the right direction
Chapter 4 Tilling the soil
Chapter 5 Making hay
Chapter 6 Keeping the dream alive
This informative DVD, released in September 2012, is a must-have for anyone who has had an interest in, or association with, machinery and farming in the Australian wheat belt.